A Trained Body In Real Fighting

Norman Ma (6/2003)

The properly trained body has an uncanny ability to transfer incoming forces straight to the ground or give it back to an opponent. Having this ability will depend on many factors.

Wing Chun is a systematic martial art where each of the forms depend upon the other; i.e. one cannot learn the second form, Chum Kiu, without being familiar with the first form, Siu Nim Tau. The first form will prepare the body to maintain a relaxed structure through a feeling of back straight and Tei Gong (a slight raising of the anal sphincter to link up the body as one unit). It will develop the arms to condition themselves to possess strong leverage angles and the whole body will be full of mind force with a forward attacking intention.

The second form, Chum Kiu, teaches one to use their mass as the source of power. Combined with the moves of the Siu Nim Tau, the second form can apply force in different directions. An opponent will find it difficult to handle these forces as their balance is affected.

Biu Gee is the third form. Here, the moves of Biu Gee, with the addition of speedy rotation will create devastating destructive forces as well as sucking in (whirlpool effect) forces. All these forms will prepare the body for real fighting.

As one of the principles of Wing Chun is to not use force against force, resisting strong muscular force with tension will affect the body. A tensed body can easily be subjected to leverage attacks and whoever is the stronger usually wins. However, a Wing Chun trained body will act like a drainpipe where water (incoming force) will flow through, while a blocked one will be full of water pressure (tension) which will inhibit the body from attacking someone stronger.

Real fighting does not consist of a series of prepared techniques. No one can predetermine in what way someone will attack. However, a Wing Chun trained body will know how to react in a natural way. This will depend on the training in the second form, Chum Kiu. Together with the first form structure, Chum Kiu will develop the ability to move or rotate the body by using the centre of gravity. This centre of gravity can be obtained through repetitive pivoting. It is a point inside the body where the whole body can be moved or rotated in a relaxed manner. During pivoting, the point is mentally moved in a three dimensional way, i.e. up and down; left and right; backwards and forwards, inside the body until the desired effect is found. Once this centre is found, it will be able to move the body naturally in relation to incoming force from the opponent. With the attacking mind force, the centre will be able to find the easiest way to attack. It is important for the centre to be relaxed and free to move the body, otherwise, with tension, one will not be able to move freely. Freeing up the centre depends on how well one has trained in the first form.

The Wing Chun body can also easily upset the balance of the opponent. If, during an attack, the body is tense, then body mass cannot be transferred to the attacker. The tensed arms and shoulders will create a pushing effect which is easily dealt with by a stronger person. However, a Wing Chun body will induce a rebounding effect on the attacker by use of multi-directional forces chasing the opponent. The pressure will be kept on and weaken their ability to attack back. This will depend upon the training in Chum Kiu.

Preparing the body for Wing Chun takes a lot of patience, keen dedication and constant guidance from a Sifu. The most important step is to train the Siu Nim Tau well. After familiarisation with the movements, pay attention to the structure which will free up the joints and then use the mind to do the form. Try to relax more each time when doing the form and remember that doing it once correctly is better than doing it many times in the wrong way.

Before learning the second form, practice pivoting to find the centre of gravity. After this learning, Chum Kiu will be much easier. Pay attention to what you have learnt in the first form so that you can incorporate it into the Chum Kiu. All the components of body mass movement, focusing and generation of power are all important in this form.

Application of the forms can be applied to Chi Sau. Chi Sau (Sticking Hands) is a practical way of training the Wing Chun body for real fighting. Here, contact with the opponent is involved where you can develop the sensitivity, use of body, as in multi-angular attacks, and an attacking spirit, that is, the principle of Wing Chun. So, one can see that the Wing Chun trained body has a distinct advantage in both its treatment of incoming force and in generation of power in real fighting.


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